Justin Shaffer
Tell us a little about yourself?
Dedicated and passionate gym owner trying to make the world a better and healthier place each and everyday.
Where do you train?
Prodigy Fitness/ Prodigy CrossFit
What made you start CrossFit?
Being competitive (Sports/Fitness/Board Games/Etc.) all my life and growing tired of the traditional gym, I decided to give CrossFit a try. I grew to love all aspects of the sport and with so many different movements you can always work on something, which I find challenging and rewarding.
What do you enjoy the most about your sport?
I enjoy always trying to improve in some way, shape, or form. This also caries over to other areas of life and has made me a better and more productive person.
Do you have a favorite WOD and why?
CrossFit Open workout 18.3. I love double unders and high skilled movements. All they needed to do add handstand walks and I’d be in heaven.
What’s your least favorite movement/what needs the most extra work?
Ring Muscle ups and rower are my least favorite movements. Ring Muscle ups when I first started was a glorified pec deck catching extremely wide now they are much better, but still need some work. (Efficiency) Rowing is probably my least favorite movement. I can make excuses that I’m not built to row, but honestly, I just need to spend more time on the rower and get comfortable.
What's your number 1 goal?
To be the best me I can be physically and mentally.
What’s your most memorable CrossFit memory/achievement?
Qualifying for Wodapalooza Elite Team with 2 of my best buds (Ben, Matt and Coach Jeff). The simple fact we all grew together in the sport and were able to throw down with the best in the world almost brought a tear to my eye.
How do you prepare yourself before a competition?
I try to stay focused and trust that my preparation will take care of me during the competition. I do extra recovery leading up as well to make sure the body is feeling fresh (Ice baths, Dry needling, Massages).
How much do you focus on your diet, and what does this consist of?
This year I started taking my diet very seriously and it’s always a work in progress. My goal is to find the best diet for performance and well-being.
Do you have any food weaknesses?
Pizza, Brownie sundaes and tacos
What advice would you give to any newbies starting out in your sport?
Listen to your body, take your time and enjoy the process.
What’s something fun, or funny, about you that people don’t know?
My nickname was “Scrappy” in high school after Scrappy-Doo (The little hero guy). I was 115lbs and 4’11” heading into high school trying to make the football team. Yup I made it and ended up earning Athlete of the Year my senior year of High School.
Where/How did you hear about King Kong Apparel?
I see King Kong bags everywhere in various gyms (It’s hard to find a good gym bag that meets all your needs).
What made you want to be a King Kong Ambassador?
When you find a product you love, you try to be a part of it!
What do you love most about King Kong Apparel?
Quality, when you own King Kong Apparel you know you’re buying something that is going to last.
What’s your favorite King Kong bag?
BackPack II (Great for competitions)
What’s the first word that comes to mind when I say King Kong Bags?
Lifetime (The bag will last a lifetime, see what I did there 😉)